Embedded Talent
The recruitment market has changed dramatically over the past few years. Companies with the strongest employer brand have adapted to this situation, and those that have been the most successful share a common factor: they continually optimize their hiring processes and experiences.
The companies finding success in hiring have learned to use data and operational tactics to optimize their recruiting functions to achieve a lean recruitment process that provides the best experience for candidates while securing top talent for the organization.
A common challenge in achieving this is that workflows are inefficient and outdated. For example, at some point during the recruitment process, everyone involved finds themselves performing tasks such as reporting and role prioritization. Often, these are done manually and take a great deal of effort with little return.
But while recruiters may recognize the cost of doing things manually and the risk of failing to adapt to a changing hiring environment, few feel empowered to optimize their recruitment process.
HCCR’s scalable and agile Embedded Talent Solutions takes best practices from some of the world’s leading employer brands and tailors them to your company’s unique situation. By building a process that empowers your team to adapt to and leverage market changes for competitive advantage, Embedded Talent Solutions positions you to win the best talent—whether you’re a startup or a large established company.
This is possible because the Embedded Talent Solutions methodology allows us to quickly identify areas in your talent acquisition process that need improvement.
We break down recruitment into two core pillars—acquisition and experience—each assigned to a dedicated team. Here’s how it works …
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This team partners with your hiring teams and business leaders to focus on streamlining the recruitment process.
The way in which you recruit must match the evolving demands of business operations and a candidate-driven market, and recruitment involves many steps that can be time consuming and costly.
We help you optimize your process to achieve lean recruitment, hiring the most qualified person in the shortest time possible at the lowest cost.
From organizational structure to team skills to key programs, our advisors help you align on a strategy that matches your organization’s goals and objectives while also factoring in current market nuances.
This team focuses exclusively on the candidates and their experience, making sure they are engaged throughout the process.
A tight interview schedule and clear communication are key to winning top talent. Assigning one member of your team as the candidate’s point of contact—their concierge throughout the experience—is a highly effective way of ensuring this and keeping engagement high.
Our advisors assess every candidate touchpoint and provide recommendations and execution support to align your company’s brand and employee value proposition throughout the candidate experience, from outreach to onboarding.
- Transform your current workflow into a lean recruitment process that optimizes ROI, passthrough rates, time to hire, quality of candidates, and other key metrics
- Improve your employer brand to create a better candidate experience that can reduce your dependency on recruitment agencies by helping to build organic talent attraction, which also reduces hiring costs